Henry finishes reading the letter and looks around the room at his companions. Each of them remain silent as they consider what they have just heard. After a moment he speaks again.
"Well, friends, I don't know about you, but my curiosity is certainly peaked. I believe there's something here worth looking into. Mr. Lee's letter here raises quite a few red flags, if you ask me...and I suppose by inviting me, and the rest of us, here today, Hal...you ARE asking." He lifts the letter again and scans it.
"What do you suppose this artifact that he refers to is? And just how has it proven to be uh, let me see...'worth it', as he states?"
"This smacks of evil, my friends," chimes in Hal, "We should indeed pay David a visit and examine said artifact. The link to the Silver Twilight Lodge has set my nerves a-tingling. I know a fine hotel in New York, and will reserve us all accommodation there." He swirls his cognac in his glass as he meets everyone's eyes in turn.
"Are you all with me?"
"Sadly I have other work to attend to," says Sam, "Regretfully I'll need to bow out for now."
"And I need to get back on the magic circuit," smiles James, "But I wish you luck Uncle!"
That leaves Henry, the Monsignor, Phillip and Hal.
"I have someone that might be willing to join us on an expedition," adds Henry, "I have employed a new apprentice. Greek chap called Dimitris. He's working on translating for me, but I'm sure he'd be game for a little jaunt."
Hal continues "Now, let us turn our talk to more pleasant things whilst dinner is prepared. How have you all spent the intervening time? Personally, I have been trying to ensure I am better prepared physically for our future endeavours. Spanners has been sparring with me regularly, and the number of black eyes he's been giving me have been gradually decreasing! I've also been practicing my shooting skills with a good friend in the police force. Of course, there have also been a number of society events that I've had to attend - all work and no play makes Hal a dull boy!" (Skill increases +2 Fist/Punch, + 45 revolver)

The group meets up with David Lee at his brownstone in New York and he recounts the tale he wrote about in the letter. You learn nothing new, until he brings out an item, the artifact he spoke of that he purchased for $100.

Henry handles the artifact gently, slowly turning and examining it from various angles.
ReplyDelete"Now, this is a curious piece of work! I'm about as skeptical as anyone, but I've never seen the likes of this anywhere...not even the Orient, and they have some mighty strange creations."
He hands it carefully to the Monsignor. "What do you make of that?"
"Hmm, if this is indeed from the future, then only witchcraft or sorcery could have brought it here. It is unlike anything I have seen before. It would seem that our suspicions of Mr Black are well founded. David, can you set up a meet between us and Mr Black? Can you get us a copy of this sheet of diagrams so that we might look at it as well? I wonder if any of my industrialist friends might be interested in this artifact...Tell me, have you seen any other artifacts that he has brought from the future?" Hal.