Thursday, 26 November 2015

Shadows of Yog-Sothoth. Turn 8

After the discoveries in the Lodge of the Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight, the group deem it best to report their findings to the local authorities, once Henry has secured the book,the box, the notes with the "Make Box" spell and the letter to "Mr Carl Stanford" from Duncan McBain. These Henry stores for further investigation and the local police raid and shut down the lodge. None of you have heard the name Carl Stanford but the letter suggests he is a higher-up in the Order, if not higher than John Scott.

The Boston police round up the known members for interviews. John Scott, before being apprehended plunged a sword cane through his own neck and up through his brain. He was dead before anyone could get to him. The whole event makes the local news and but Hal pulls some strings and makes sure names are not mentioned, realising this might not be the last he hears from the Order. Phil gets and exclusive with his photos and makes a mint, enough to relax for a few months. However, by the beginning of April, Hal summons everyone to his home, all expenses paid.

April 5th, 1928
Arkham, Ma.

Everyone is settled in Hal's lounge, a roaring fire on  the go and fine cognac in everyone's glass. Jeeves and the staff are preparing dinner.

"It seems we were right about this going deeper than we thought," says Hal, pulling a letter from his desk drawer and handing it to Henry, "I got this from my personal banker in New York."

Henry reads out the letter...


  1. Along with any comment you'd like to make, please indicate what you have been doing in the intervening time between 20th February, when the police released you to April 5th. This may be just relaxing, therapy, studying or whatever you deem necessary. If you need to do this privately, either email me or message me on a private hangout.

  2. Henry finishes reading the letter and looks around the room at his companions. Each of them remain silent as they consider what they have just heard. After a moment he speaks again.
    "Well, friends, I don't know about you, but my curiosity is certainly peaked. I believe there's something here worth looking into. Mr. Lee's letter here raises quite a few red flags, if you ask me...and I suppose by inviting me, and the rest of us, here today, ARE asking." He lifts the letter again and scans it.
    "What do you suppose this artifact that he refers to is? And just how has it proven to be uh, let me see...'worth it', as he states?"

  3. "This smacks of evil, my friends. We should indeed pay David a visit and examine said artifact. The link to the Silver Twilight Lodge has set my nerves a-tingling. I know a fine hotel in New York, and will reserve us all accommodation there." I swirl my cognac in my glass as I meet everyone's eyes in turn.
    "Are you all with me?" Assuming I get assent from everyone, I continue "Now, let us turn our talk to more pleasant things whilst dinner is prepared. How have you all spent the intervening time? Personally, I have been trying to ensure I am better prepared physically for our future endeavours. Spanners has been sparring with me regularly, and the number of black eyes he's been giving me have been gradually decreasing! I've also been practicing my shooting skills with a good friend in the police force. Of course, there have also been a number of society events that I've had to attend - all work and no play makes Hal a dull boy!"
