Friday, 1 June 2012

Shadows of Yog Sothoth Turn 2

Over the coming weeks, each of the group is inducted one by one into the Hermetic Order of the Silver Dawn. Each of you goes through the same process.

Each has an initial meet with a man named John Scott, who's title is Noble Philosopher, at the lodge on the outskirts of Boston.
After a brief interview in the grand building at the edge of town, discussing personal background and professional business, each is invited back for initiation in a week.
 They appear to be a fraternal organisation concerned with matters occult and philosophical. Members are mostly from the Upper classes of society, a few being minor community leaders. The order is based in a lavish building and members eat and drink well at their meetings.
Each is taken to a preparation room where the subject is given a black robe. This is the robe of the Neophyte. Those assisting in the preparation wear grey, the robes of Initiates. From there the subject is blindfolded and given a lecture on the noble purpose of the Order. He is told that he will learn great and mysterious things and that he will be asked to bind himself with and oath, but he will not be asked to do or commit anything immoral or embarrassing.
He is then led across the hall to the main room, where he is asked by the man he recognises as his interviewer, to kneel and repeat the oath, promising to keep the secrets of the Order, to seek after knowledge, and to live according to the principles of the Order. The blindfold is then removed and He sees the lodge room for the first time. It is an impressive sight. The room is richly furnished and other members wear robes representing office and standing in the lodge. He is ritually introduced to the officers and instructed in the principles of the order, which are Science for Neophytes, Philosophy for Initiates and Magic for the white robed “Masters”
The subject is then confirmed in his degree by the Noble Philosopher and the meeting closes. After the meeting, the members remove their robes and head downstairs into the bar and lounge. This seems to be an enjoyable part of the events for most members. 

Everyone enters under their own name except Phil who uses the moniker Jim Garrety, to hide is true identity as a reported.
During this process, starting with Hal, one of the Initiates is Henry Caldwell! Hal decides not to acknowledge his recognition until everyone is inducted and Henry keeps his distance, unsure as to why Hal and the others are joining.   Soon enough, Henry receives and invitation to dinner at a restaurant called The Dome in central Boston, from Hal. The dinner is in two days time, 12th February at 7pm.

12th February 1928 The Dome Restaurant

Hal, The Monsignor, James, Spanners and Phil meet at the restaurant at 6.30pm and await the arrival of Henry who none of you have spoken to since the events in London. You just hope you can trust him as an initiate of the very society the group are infiltrating! At 7pm he walks in and approaches the table...



  1. The Monsignor rises to greet Henry. "Good evening, Henry. How are you? Now, what do you say to a nice soda water provided by the house that we will feloniously adulterate with proper Irish whiskey that I brought from home?" The Monsignor smiles as he withdraws his hip flask. "How are you getting along in Boston, the home of the only oppressed majority? It seems you have made some rather Brahman friend."

  2. "Henry old man, how good to see you," Hal exclaims. "It's been a while - what have you been doing with yourself since London? How on earth did you get involved with our new friends?" Ordering several bottles of champagne, I excitedly pour out a glass each and say "A toast - to friendships renewed, and new adventures together. My word - it does feel good to have the old gang together. All we're missing now is good old Sam."

  3. Henry approaches the group and greets each with a smile and a handshake.
    "Gentlemen! I suppose we all have some questions and answers to address here, but let me say, it sure is good to see you. It's been too long, but I guess time has a way of getting away from us." After the drinks have been poured and toasts made, Henry tells the group that he has joined the Order for the purpose of investigating rumors of the existence and possible location of some occult books.
    "Of course, when I saw the lot of you taking the initiations, as well, I knew something more sinister must be afoot! So, tell me, what's brought this motley crew together, this time?"

  4. "The same thing that brought you to Boston," the Monsignor adds, "the suspicion that underneath all the mystical and pseudo-Masonic trappings, something more sinister is at work. You say that you believe the group has Occult books. Now what manner of text would these be to induce you to join to investigate? Occult books, in and of themselves, are -Lord Preserve Us- dime a dozen these days. But it must be something very rare to pique your interest my friend. And, if it is so, it confirms our suspicious as well."

  5. Henry's face took on a seriousness and intensity that was unusual for him. "Monsignor, over the years, my research has taken me on the trail of some tomes and volumes that I would consider illusive, others might deem non-existant. But, I've recently uncovered references to books that are only vaguely mentioned in even the most obscure of occult writings. These books are so arcane, their origins, authors, and the powers that they contain are merely hinted at in whispers and private inscriptions. It is my belief, hope, that more than one of these shadow tomes reside within the walls, and under the protection of the Order." His features softened a bit, but did not fully return to their normal affable state. He sat back in his chair, took a long draw on his drink and smiled slightly. "And I aim to find them."

  6. The Monsignor sips his whiskey and stares at the table. "Henry," he begins,"It would be fair-probably an understatement really- to say that in the past the Church's zeal outstripped its discretion in combating real or perceived evil. Mankind is shattering the once impenetrable boundaries of human knowledge so there seems no place for evil as we once understood it. Indeed, both the Church as well as the laity have consigned the devil safely to Dante's Inferno. But evil is real and I believe that some of the excesses of the Church were grounded in a legitimate fear of forces not readily ascribable to human agency." The Monsignor takes another sip and continues staring into his glass. "If within occult circles there is a belief that certain forbidden tomes have survived, it leads me to suspect that some of the ancient evil feared by my less rational forefathers may still be afoot. That is may have survived and thrived in shadows as the mass of mankind advanced into the light of reason and moral certainty. And if you believe this group has one or more of these texts, then I fear there is something rather more sinister afoot and I will do all I can to assist you. What do you have in mind to get access to them?"

  7. "Well, Monsignor, my arms are sore from rubbing elbows with anyone and everyone that'll talk to me. And I've courted that librarian, Marshall Fenton-Smythe, like he's the widowed heiress of a railroad tycoon...I'd have more success with the widow, to be sure. Ah, but now, with you blokes on my side, the odds have tipped a bit.", he grinned. "I've considered concocting a story about a client that has a book that he believes the Order would not want to pass on...but I've not thought it through, enough. Which reminds me, I do my best conniving with a little something in my belly. Anyone else ready to order up some grub? I'm famished."

  8. Knocking back the last of his drink, Hal grins. "Me too - let's get some good food inside ourselves and continue this conversation. I have an old friend who I believe may be able to help with this. Do you gentlemen remember Sam Noir from our time in London? I'll give him a call and ask him to start looking into these shadow tomes. Henry - I don't suppose you have a title or author that we can give him to get started? I suggest that maybe we start some independent investigation outside of the club? We don't we all do some research into the order, John Scott and Marshall Fenton-Smythe. Monsignor, can you also look into these books with your contacts? Maybe with your unique connections you can find something that we wouldn't be able to?
    Spanners - why don't you head back to the house for now, and I'll grab a cab later on?"

  9. The Monsignor smiles, "Food sounds wonderful. As for texts, I will try the Library at the Archdiocese and also at Boston College. Both are down the street from the Club and, if need be, maybe I can get access to Weidner at Harvard through them. Also, do you think some of us should try and advance in the order? Henry may be best, but my belief in the supernatural may be enough to get them to trust me. Especially if I start to question my faith and look to them for answers." The Monsignor winks, and stands up with the rest.
